Tax consultations

rodzaj_wydarzenia: konsultacje


godzina: 18:00 - 18:30

nauczyciel: Robert Lipiński

sala: 3

jezyk: Polish


Thank you for your interest in meeting with our advisor. We hope to be able to assist you in finding answers to your legal questions. Due to the limited consultation time, we kindly ask you to send a brief description of the topic you wish to discuss with the advisor before the meeting (specifically, what services/goods you intend to sell as part of your start-up and who your target audience is). The conversation with the advisor will concern the scope of your cooperation with the Foundation and tax settlements resulting from running a start-up within the Foundation. The consultation does not constitute tax advice within the meaning of the Act of 5 July 1996 on tax advisory services (Journal of Laws of 1996 No. 102, item 475, as amended).


data: April 24, 2024

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